Donating land or property to us

Donating land or property to West Tuality Habitat for Humanity contributes to the resources we need for more affordable housing in Western Washington County, Oregon and for undertaking more critical home repairs to help vulnerable home owners stay in their homes.

You can make such a generous gift while still using the property throughout your lifetime.

You can donate:

  • Vacant lots, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch land, etc.

  • Appreciated real estate.

  • Homes in need of repair.

  • Condemned sites that must be razed.

  • Commercial properties.

  • Retail properties.

  • Warehousing properties.

We may turn over a lot into Habitat homes, or we may prepare and sell the property to help fund our programs.

We also accept partial donations of property: you make a tax-deductible donation of land, and Habitat pays a percentage of the value of the land.

Please note that, with all charitable gifts, you should consult with an attorney or financial advisor to ensure that you comply with state laws, receive maximum tax benefits, and that your wishes are accurately reflected in necessary legal documents regarding property donations. We can help you connect with a professional legal advisor.

And please tell your friends and associates about this land and structure donation opportunity to benefit West Tuality Habitat for Humanity.

If you want to talk further about possibly donating property to West Tuality Habitat for Humanity, please give us a call at 503-359-8459 or email Virginia Ohler, Executive Director, at