Drawing of a woman in a living room, showing off swatches of color, in a living room, with the outline of an architect's blueprint behind her

Interior Designer, Amateur or Professional, Needed to Develop Interior Design “Menu” for Our Homeowner Partners

West Tuality Habitat for Humanity builds simple, affordable homes for low-income, disabled, and veteran homeowners in western Washington County Oregon. We also sometimes completely rehabilitate homes for such homeowners as well. 

West Tuality Habitat is seeking someone with a love of home design to develop a menu of “choices” for our homeowners: sets of coordinated choices which homeowners can select from for their Habitat homes. For example: we would love four packages of coordinated exterior finishes, and three packages of coordinated kitchen/bath finishes, two flooring options, etc.  

Although our homes are simple and affordable, we work hard to ensure they are also attractive and sturdy.  At times, corporate sponsors contribute items such as cabinetry, window blinds, flooring and other materials. We utilize these donated materials whenever possible in order to help maintain the affordability of the finished home. Design options should take these into account.  

The design coordinator would not be working directly with families, but rather from our list of  suppliers and with our construction team, to develop the options within the scope of the budget for each particular home design.  

This can be a paid role or a volunteer (unpaid) role, depending on your level of interest, qualifications and preference. You do not have to be a professional interior designer for this role; if you have recently renovated your own home, for instance, and enjoy offering advice to others about interior design, this may be a great role for you.

You will need to come to Forest Grove, Oregon for three in-person consultations with our staff. Other collaborations can be done using online consultations.

If you have a Facebook page, Instagram page or web site associated with your design work or hobby and are selected, we will link to your online resource, as appropriate, from our social media accounts.

If you are interested taking on this role, please contact executivedirector@westtualityhabitat.org  A resume will be much appreciated, if you have one, as would any online resources that show your design interests or work. We will set up a face-to-face meeting to discuss your interest, qualifications and preference.