announcements & blogs

West Tuality Habitat for Humanity Completes Kidd Court Development, Celebrates Homeowner
Volunteers, affordable housing advocates, neighbors and others will join West Tuality Habitat for Humanity on Sunday, August 13, 1 p.m. at the now fully complete Kidd Court development to dedicate the final home and welcome the new homeowner.

Forest Grove ReStore Expands With Repurposed Building from Countryman Estates
West Tuality Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore is expanding, per the recycling and upgrading of a structure moved from what will become the Habitat affiliate’s latest house-building project, Countryman Estates. The public is invited to attend a ribbon cutting for the ReStore extension on Friday, July 28 at 10 a.m. at the ReStore at 3731 Pacific Avenue in Forest Grove, Oregon. Special sales and activities will also occur Friday July 28th and Saturday July 29th at the ReStore during regular business hours, 9 am to 5 pm each day. The building was deconstructed, then reconstructed, with the help of participants in Portland Youth Builders (PYB), a nonprofit that has helped thousands of young people change their lives through a combination of education, vocational training, counseling, career development, and long term support, as well as with the help of our core group of home-building volunteers.

West Tuality Habitat Addresses Forest Grove City Council
On Monday, May 8, the Executive Director of West Tuality Habitat for Humanity, Virginia Ohler, addressed the Forest Grove City Council to report on how funding through the America Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), as granted in early 2022 through the local city government, impacted the community. She noted the impact the grant had on both the community and the Habitat affiliate itself.

Follow us on social media
West Tuality Habitat and the ReStore are on social media. Here’s everywhere to find us online. It’s a great way to know about upcoming events, volunteering opportunities, and what is offered in our ReStore.

Groundbreaking For New Affordable Homes Draws VIPS to Forest Grove
Volunteers, affordable housing advocates, neighbors and others, including Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR 1st District) and Andrea Bell, Executive Director of the Oregon Housing and Community Services, joined West Tuality Habitat for Humanity for a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday, April 13 at the new Countryman Estates in Forest Grove, the future site of eight new homes. It is the local Habitat affiliate’s most ambitious project to date.